Monday, July 18, 2016

Event 1: Museum of Jurassic Technology

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The Museum of Jurassic Technology, a small museum hiding among local houses, was founded by David Hildebrand Wilson (husband) and Diana Drake Wilson (wife) in 1988. It exhibits a mixture of scientific, artistic, robotic and personal collections in its unique architectural design. The museum is mentioned in the novel The Museum of Innocence, by Turkish Nobel-laureate Orhan Pamuk.

Because taking photograph and using cellphones are prohibited inside the museum, and their staffs wear neither name tag, badges, or uniforms, I only took a picture with the hostess in Tula Tea Room on the second floor of the museum.

The most amazing exhibition is the the Delani/Sonnabend Hall. Madelena Delani is a singer of art songs and operatic material. The exhibition includes collections of her operatic costume, gloves, fancy antique jewelry and hair accessories. I include pictures that are similar to the exhibited collection.
On the other hand, Geoffery Sonnabend is a neurophysiologies and memory researcher. The exhibition includes his notes on cognition and memorization. In his notes he draws this cone, sometimes also known as the Cone of True Memory or the Characteristic Cone. The Atmonic Disc is described as "the field of immediate consciousness of an individual". The Spelean Axis, an imaginary line which passes through the tip of the cone and the center of the Atmonic Disc, is perceived as the individual's line of sight or perspective. He concludes that every encounter of events have three states of memory, just like the cone encounters with the tilted plane:  

                                           - being involved in an experience
                                           - remembering an experience
                                           - having forgotten an experience.

It is hard to imagine, that two people with distinct interests and profession actually effected each other without actually meeting each other. However, I personally find it very easy to relate operatic work with the memory research. The topic this week: NeuroTech + Art has explained well that our understanding of cognition and the human brain can revolutionize the way art conducted and performed, because overall human is the audience.  I believe by combing Geoffrey's theory with operatic writing, the story line and stage effect can be maximized and very much memorable.


Hsieh, Ifang. The Museum of Jurassic Technology. Digital image. Tula Tea Room at the Museum of Jurassic Technology. T Ching, 23 Sept. 2009. Web. 17 July 2016.
Wikipedia contributors. "Museum of Jurassic Technology." Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia, 4 Jul. 2016. Web. 18 Jul. 2016.  

Madelena Delani and Geoffrey Sonnabend. Digital image. Collections and Exhibitions: The Delani/Sonnabend Halls. The Museum Of Jurassic Technology, n.d. Web. 17 July 2016.

Fenton, Lauren. "Archive: 2011 January / L a U R E N | F E N T O N." Lauren Fenton RSS. N.p., 26 Jan. 2011. Web. 18 July 2016.
"Vintage Celluloid Cut-out Hand Painted Folding Hand Fan." Terapeak. N.p., n.d. Digital image. Web. 17 July 2016.
An Encapsulation by Valentine Worth. Digital image. Obliscence, Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter by Geoffrey Sonnabend. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 July 2016. 

"Obliscence, Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter." Obliscence, Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter. The Museum Of Jurassic Technology, n.d. Web. 17 July 2016.

Sonnabend, Geoffrey. Obliscence, Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter. Digital image. Bliscence, Theories of Forgetting and the Problem of Matter by Geoffrey Sonnabend, An Encapsulation by Valentine Worth. The Museum Of Jurassic Technology, n.d. Web. 17 July 2016.

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